👉🏼 The Violence against women support Hotline:

Support and counselling for women ✆ 08000 116 016

Available round the clock, 365 days a year and free of charge: the Violence against women support hotline offers victims a way of receiving competent advice securely, anonymously and regardless of disability whenever they need. Our counsellors provide women with confidential support and if needed can help them find appropriate local support options in their area. This new support service thus caters to a concrete social need and plays an important role in directing victims, relatives of victims, friends and professionals to appropriate support resources.

🌐 https://www.hilfetelefon.de/en.html

👉🏼 **BIG Hotline:

Support for women and children in cases of domestic violence** ✆ +49 (0) 30 - 611 03 00

BIG Hotline gives support and advice to all women and children who experience or have experienced domestic violence in their relationship and to all women who are being harassed, threatened or stalked by their (ex)partner. The BIG Hotline can be reached from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day throughout the year (weekends and holidays included). The BIG Hotline gives confidential and free advice. Let us know what language you speak - Within 10 to 15 minutes we will organise an interpreter for the consultation.

🌐 https://www.big-hotline.de/node/305

Other women’s advice centres and intervention agencies

Offer of the following services, by phone or in person, to women suffering domestic violence:

• social and legal advice

• information about police and legal measures • help with finding a women’s shelter or sheltered apartment

• support when dealing with authorities and when looking for an apartment

• legal counsel, group programmes, childcare, etc.

All advice is confidential, free of charge and offered by employees who speak foreign languages and are familiar with sign language. Interpreters can also be provided, where necessary.